
2021-04-27 21:52:46

近代机制币以其精湛的铸造工艺、丰富的品种以及浓厚的货币历史文化底蕴,成为中国钱币最热门的收藏板块,藏品 价值较十年前已是今非昔比 ,数倍翻升,珍稀品种于拍卖会的成交价屡创新高。“袁大头”它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种之一,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色。在收藏界备受藏家推崇。

Modern mechanism currency with its exquisite casting technology, rich varieties and rich currency history and cultural deposits, has become the most popular collection plate of Chinese COINS, the value of the collection than ten years ago has been not what it used to be, several times increased, rare varieties in the auction transaction price has repeatedly set new highs. Yuan Tou is one of the most widely spread and influential silver COINS among nearly a thousand kinds of modern silver COINS in China. It is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system. It is highly regarded by collectors in the field.


This set of 10 Republic of China Yuan Shikai like Wu Yuan silver coin, the mold deep standard, the pressure is full, the pattern text tall and straight, the angle is clear, the detail is clear, the plate bottom is smooth, the original flavor thick ring multicolored package pulp, the wheel turns light, the luster is soft, the condition is extremely good.


"Yuan Da Tou ", is cast in the early years of the Republic of China engraved with Yuan Shikai side head of a round silver coin and a silver coin. This category is long-standing. As the leader of the warlords of the Republic of China, the "big head" series is no stranger to coin collectors. "Yuan Da Tou" the birth of silver, is also the inevitable result of the development of silver. After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai's silver dollar currency, which was issued in order to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status, was named for its profile image. Among them Wu Yuan silver coin is more rare!


"Yuan Da Tou" represents the modern Chinese currency culture, reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history, economy and finance and the vicissitudes of life. Especially in recent years, with the increasing heat of collection and investment, coupled with the stimulation of the rise and fall of the international gold and silver level, the "Yuan Da Tou" is becoming more and more popular and the price is rising.





